I rebuilt the DB, but this did not solve the problem.It still stops the download and then closes the PS store, returning to the Home Page However after this was done, the system does not crash completely anymore while trying to download the season pass.I restored the file system, but this did not solve the problem.I can confirm my system is on version 4.89 and seems to update itself regularly.Hi, thank you for the extensive TS options. Fully uninstall and then reinstall the game.Upon completion, ensure your PS3 is connected to the internet so it can download any game updates.Press the PS button to launch the Recovery menu.Plug in your controller via USB when prompted.Take your finger off the button after you hear the two beeps.Once the system has shut down, re-press the button until you hear two consecutive beeps.The system will turn on and turn off once.If you would like to save any messages you have, I recommend sending them to another account first before you proceed. The next two troubleshooting steps I am providing will not delete content on your HDD, but it will delete any messages, music playlists, and revert names of edited files. Can you please ensure that your PS3 system has been updated to 4.89?.

Please bear with me as the previous article linked is now giving an error so I am very sorry if any of the TS that I am about to provide is something that you have already tried. With console, permissions come from the 1st party and are not connected to us, but I do have some other troubleshooting for you to try. For console players, all singleplayer DLC for the game should be able to be downloaded and played, and I apologize for the back and forth and to see that this crash is persisting for you. So yes, you are correct and you should be able to access the Tyranny of King Washington DLC after the decommission earlier this year since you are on PlayStation 3. We wanted to triple check before proceeding. Hey sorry for the delay, but thank you for your patience. I am not sure if this DLC was activated before closure, but the article mentioned that would only be a problem on pc, not Playstation. I know the servers closed down in the beginning of this month, but according to your article the single player DLC should still be available after closure. When going to "The Tyranny of King Washington" in the Game's Main Menu, I see the message "Logging in to Ubisoft server, please wait", followed by the message "The Ubisoft server is not available at this time. Now, I'd like to play the Single Player DLC "Tyranny of King Washington", which is part of the Season Pack, but I cannot access this content. I have bought the Assassin's Creed III Season Pass on the Playstation Store in August 2022 and activated it to play the Multiplayer Packs before the Servers Closed down.